Sovereign & Shameless 2.0!


Unleash Your Power, Confidence And Masculine Vitality!


Do you wake up feeling like a boat adrift at sea without a compass? No purpose, passion or vitality in sight?

Apply now to reclaim your sovereign connection, lock in on your life's true direction, and join a powerful brotherhood pioneering the new path of evolved, embodied leaders.




It's time to become Sovereign & Shameless with Devin Fredericksen today.

Apply Now! Doors Close + Applications End on August 18!!


      Course Testimonials

E. Steel, CA

I’m deeply excited to be touching upon ideas and feelings that have been largely repressed or ignored in the larger culture/society, so that I can embrace and celebrate my own sexual energy and connect with people in a way that honors them, as well as the earth, the cosmos, and life itself. Devin is leading and providing the opportunity for me to deepen my connection with my body-mind and release feelings of shame, guilt, isolation, and confusion.

P. Spaeth, CO

The work and the medicine that Devin is bringing to the world through The Sovereign Masculine Template is life changing. I had an experience that changed my world and showed me how life is meant to be lived, with our full power and presence. I’m so grateful to be on this journey and deeply appreciate his energy and guidance.

B. Bain, HI

Never been part of a group that has so quickly enveloped trust and safety in each other. Principles of service, money and energy were huge last night and all linked back to sex. There’s so much consistent work to do but after last nights call I feel the momentum of our collective energy. Service to self has never been greater.

C. Shota, OR

The time that I spent with Devin and my fellow brothers in Sovereign & Shameless has changed my perspective on and interaction with my life on a quantum and epigenetic level, and continues to do so. I will carry this course with me forever! Devin is intuitive, deeply caring, fiercely intelligent, Loving, and an absolute hoot of a man. Sharing space with him feels as though all conceivable subjects in relation to being a man are safe and WELCOMED to be brought to the dining table. He is an incredible group leader, with a well of tools to navigate the practice of Growing through Sharing.

For me, the deepest values of this course lie within having been shown the truth of what my sovereignty is, and what it means to access and be it. A deep strengthening of my physical body, as well as permanent insight into the inherent beauty, grace, and legacy instilled within my body. And, the awareness that the path homewards begins inside, and nothing can take away that, or our inherent worthiness to it.

My Story


My brothers, I have been in your shoes before...devastated, worried, anxious, living in fear.

My journey began all the way back when I was 6 years old...I still have a hard time even believing that when I write it now!

I was exposed to pornography by a neighbor of my grandmother. He was only a few years older than me at the time and really had no idea how much of a monster he was creating. From that moment forward, I was highly addicted to pornography.

Searching for outlets to access the state change and stimulation I experienced from looking at porn, I became an addicted seeker. Very quickly, I began a pattern of ejaculating many times a day. Sneaking around in school to look at porn, at home, at friend's houses, wherever I went, my brain and body's physiology became highly addicted to that release.

As I began to have sexual intercourse, my motivational drive was to emulate what I saw in pornography. And of course, everything always lead to the release, the ejaculatory orgasm.

Once I was in college, I hit a wall that changed the course of my life's journey. There was this one woman who I was extremely attracted to and I wanted to pursue romantic relations with her. I ended up sleeping over at her house one night and we didn't engage in any intimate connection until the next morning.

That morning proved to be pivotal because I experienced pre-mature ejaculation like I never had before. I wasn't ready to release. I wanted to keep connecting with her. And then the other thoughts started to roll in. I needed to perform better. How could I ejaculate before we even had sex? 

To say the least, I was crushed, devastated and so sad. For weeks, I laid in bed at night pondering how things would be different if only I had not come so soon. Shame clouded my reality, fear became commonplace in my thoughts now. Questioning every aspect of myself, I now doubted my own manhood. Will I always come too soon? Should I just stop dating women now and avoid all potential failure? Am I even worthy of meeting a gorgeous, hot, sexy, intelligent, powerful and sweet woman? And if I did, would I even last to be able to make love to her, to ravish and devour her?

As difficult and challenging as that moment proved to be, my turning point was presented to me. I was standing at the middle of a fork in my life: continue living the addicted and excessively consuming pornographic lifestyle or explore an entirely different path.

Writing you today, I am so happy I decided to choose a different path! After that incident, I committed to 1.5 years of celibacy at 20 years old. I dove deep into yoga and its philosophy. I began self reflecting, engaging in inner work and therapy, and could feel the inner transformation.

6 months into this celibacy period, I was introduced to the Taoist Sexual Cultivation Practices. Everything that was presented to me felt perfectly aligned, my body completely resonated with the information and wisdom I was learning. 

I incorporated the breathwork, different techniques, and adopted a self-pleasuring practice. My life began to turn around entirely. I was no longer ejaculating when I would self-pleasure myself (I do not use the word masturbate because of its etymological origins...more on that later ;) ). I got a 4.0 for the remaining 2 years of my undergraduate studies. My intramural basketball team won the local tournament. Abundance began to pour in from everywhere.

This is when Life really tested my inner confidence and resilience. After nearly 2 years of abstaining from romantic intimate relations with any woman, I began dating this lady. I waited to engage sexually for 4 months because I wanted to create a solid foundation in the relationship. I had communicated to her about my semen retention and conscious sexuality lifestyle. She was very supportive initially because she was aware of these specific practices and way of being.

When we finally engaged for the first time sexually, I used all the communication tools and techniques I had learned. I created the space and set the boundaries for my own sovereignty to feel at ease.

For the first time, I made love without the fear of ejaculating. I was high: just finished making love, not coming, retaining my seed, experiencing what I had been investing in for over a year. However, I was plagued now by the criticism of this woman. She told me that I should be a master at this practice already, that I shouldn't need to take a break or slow down and breath while making love.

Instantly, my confidence had slipped away. I questioned my own existence. I doubted who I was to my core. It was from this exact moment that I placed my worthiness on external validation. 

Performance anxiety, timing how long I would last in bed, criticizing my own self while making love, placing so much external pressure on myself to not release EVER, the list goes on of how critically judgemental I had become of myself.

Sex was no longer about the connection, experience or the bond between two humans. It was all about making sure I couldn't be judged for not being manly enough or criticized for my performance. It was filled with constant thinking, judging, worry, fear, anxiety and so much negativity that it wasn't a pleasure experience.

These patterns of relating continued for many years after that one relationship until this one peaceful moment in January of 2016. I had just returned from a powerful retreat on Kauai and realized so much about who I am and how to share my uniqueness with the world.

I had released the old relationship with that previous lady that had haunted and tormented me for years. I decided that my own sovereignty was my responsibility. Once I realized that my internal world and dialogue literally reflects my entire reality, I decided that I desire to live a life of POWER, PASSION, PURPOSE & PLAY!

I was ready to move forward to truly embrace and celebrate life. To open and receive the miracle of existence that is right here, RIGHT NOW.

From that moment forward, I released the shame, doubt, trauma, and fear around sex and my seed. I began to experience full body orgasms again. I was able to make love for however long I desired because of the inner confidence I cultivated.

Once I reclaimed my sexual sovereignty, I reclaimed my whole life. My path and purpose became even more clear than they had already been. Magical miracles were happening every day. I was waking up every morning filled with the fervent passion of life pulsating through my veins. Monetary abundance was flowing in from many different directions. Leadership opportunities were so prolific I had to say NO to almost every one, from local to international offers.

Today I live life on purpose, clearly aligned with my inner sovereignty, celebrating the pleasures of embodiment of simply being a human experiencing life here on Earth. Living the Legacy I choose to be belong to, I pray to be an inspiration to others that your life is simply awaiting you to step into your experience and reclaim your sovereignty!

Learn The Powerful Tools & Methods To Reclaim Your Confidence, Sexual Power And Passion For Life



Are you ready to finally experience primal and healthy confidence as a man? Discover proven keys to transform your mindset around shame, fear, anxiety!



What would it feel like to command your sexual energy, make love for however long you desire, and truly ravish your partner like you've always dreamed of?



Do you ever feel that Life has a bigger calling for you?

Get your nervous system ready for a lifestyle that will blow your mind! 


Sovereign & Shameless is a 6 month transformational program to help activate your true power & potential as a man.


The truth is: the way you make love is the way you live life. As a man, your sexual vitality empowers all areas of your life.


Specifically designed for the man who feels ready to Live His Legacy: rise in your leadership, step up your game in the bedroom to mind blowing heights, root into your life's mission with unwavering certainty, and manifest the financial freedom you've been craving. It all stems from the core of your masculine power. This course will ignite your sexual energy and confidence like never before.


As you become powerful and masterful with your sexual energy, you will bring this power and confidence to every aspect of your life: relationships, sex, leadership, success, business & career, financial abundance, physical health and beyond.


Its time to accept the invitation from life to become Sovereign & Shameless. It's time to truly thrive.


My name is Devin Fredericksen and I am on a mission to help men reclaim their sexual sovereignty and live life with mind-blowing vitality!


For the last 12 years, I've been guiding men to connect with their sexual energy and awaken the power that resides within them. Working in the relams of masculine leadership is a major part of my mission.

I believe as men, how we make love is how we show up in life, and how we show up in life is how we make love.
The honor of seeing my beautiful fiancé beyond satisfied in all areas of our life inspires me to bring other men to this deserve this too brother!!!

Our human family needs EXCEPTIONAL men. Men who are committed to protecting what is sacred, living life on purpose, aware of how they impact every situation, and this is your calling to claim that space as a leader amongst men.

Inside the Sovereign & Shameless program you will receive a combo of self-paced and live support:

6 MONTHS of Live Coaching every 2 Weeks

Where you will receive direct support from myself and a potent brotherhood

Primal Movement & Shred Routines

To Activate the Primal, Wild Man Within You

Breathwork Activations & Nervous System Regulation

To Help You Be the BEST Leader 

Weekly Earth Connection Rituals

To Remember Your Place in Nature and Reconnect with Your Source of Power.

Sexual Vitality Practices

Reclaim Your Vitality and Be the Best She has Ever HAD

Crypto, Regenerative Wealth & Abundance Mindset 

It's Time for Collaboration and Generational Wealth

Relationship Wisdom, Techniques & Practices

Whether you are single or in a relationship, you will receive guidance and support to thrive in love.

Brotherhood & Private Community

Brotherhood is the Medicine. We are stronger TOGETHER. Iron Sharpens Iron. Be uplifted and challenged into your greatness.

Accountability Partners

Another layer of support to help you build a lifelong connection.

This course is for men who are ready to:

  • Build Unshakeable Confidence
  • Master Your Sexual Energy 
  • Break The Patterns of Low Self-Esteem & Sabotage
  • Finally Make the Commitment to Your Career, Relationship, or that Big Decision in your life
  • Prepare Your Nervous System To Magnetize Your Dream Partner...And Keep Her Satisfied!
  • Join A Brotherhood Leading The New Way Of Embodied Masculinity
  • Live From Your Sovereign Heart

Are you really ready to make that change and become the man you want to be?


With your full commitment to this course and your transformation, I promise that you will learn the tools to:

  • Walk away with deeply satisfying sexual confidence, and thus expand your entire confidence for life.
  • Fully activate your magnetic radiance to re-ignite your current relationship or attract your dream partner
  • Be able to have sex for as long as you want, achieving new states of bliss and orgasm only previously fantasized.
  • Embody your primal presence to increase your financial abundance.
  • Be able to navigate life's challenges with grace and mastery.
  • Radically experience yourself in an entirely new way.
  • Become more energized, activated and attractive.
  • Harness your sexual power to enhance your creativity, abundance, success and power.

Is This Right For Me? 

"I get it my brother, low self-esteem is a sensitive subject. For most men, it is basically a taboo that doesn't ever get discussed except three drinks in at the bar or in the locker room.

I want to ensure that we get the chance to speak if you are feeling called to join this program yet have some questions or hesitations. Make sure to schedule a call now as I'm a busy man on a mission and these free calls get booked up fast! Spots are filling up as you read this. As an exclusive program, I don't want you to miss out so click that link below now and let's get our session locked in!"

Schedule A Call with Devin